Congratulations to everyone who has registered so far!💫
Your enthusiasm is infectious, and we’ve made incredible progress. Let’s keep the momentum going as we aim for 💯 members strong at our 50th Anniversary Celebration. Remember, registration ends on October 1, so there’s still time to join us!
Prices may have increased a bit, but don’t let that deter you. The bundle pricing is still the best value, covering all your weekend activities and including exclusive chapter gifts not available with individual tickets. We promise an unforgettable experience worth your investment.
We also understand life be lifeing, it can be busy, and you may have other commitments. If you can’t make it, you’ll be sorely missed, but we hope you can still feel the excitement for this monumental anniversary and homecoming celebration.
The committee has been working tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure everything is perfect for you.
🚨Stay tuned as we plan to publicly announce the Fire & Ice 50th Anniversary Soirée in collaboration with the Iota Epsilon Alphas, including our special guest artist, on July 15.
Registration Link:
Note: Thanks to the generosity of members of Lambda Pi. We have raised nearly $400 in funds to help Sorors experiencing financial hardship, yet still want to register and be in attendance. If you would like to benefit from a portion of the funds, be sure to email us at or text me and we will equitably divide the funds between those that communicate the need to us before the registration deadline of October 1. 🫶🏾